Terminate Employee

For ALL terminations including retirements, you will complete the “Terminate Employee” eDoc.

Terminate Employee eDoc Process

  • Click Terminate Employee under the Employee Activities eDocs section of the HRMS portal.
  • The Terminate Employee eDoc consists of 4 major sections: Effective Date, Action Reason, Job Data, and Earnings.

Effective Date:

Effective Date is the date after the last day worked (which is the first day the person is not working at IU). Care should be taken when the termination is around a weekend or holiday. For example, for a termination date of 01/01/2022, the employee would have to work on 12/31/2021 which was an IU holiday.

Action Reason:

Action Reasons are very important for terminations, especially if the action reason carries a negative re-hire status. If you are unsure of the correct action reason to use please contact IU HR Employee Relations via .

View Termination/Separation Reasons Chart

  • RES (Resignation) is the most common termination action reasons. A resignation letter is not required to be attached to the termination eDoc.
  • If a Part-Time employee is resigning under normal circumstances, use the reason ECE (End of Casual Employment).
  • Do not use “Other” (OTH) unless you consult your campus HR representative.

Job Data and Earnings:

There is no information to be changed in these sections. Once you click Continue the FTE section will update to 0.

Notes and Attachments:

This section should be used for information related to processing of the eDoc. Due to the fact that route logs are available to all users through the document search, confidential information should not be entered in this field.

Click Submit to route the eDoc for approval.  Click Save to save the eDoc and return to it later. Click Cancel to cancel the eDoc and start over.