Maintain Person eDoc

The primary purpose of the Maintain Person eDoc is to maintain personal and bio/demo data. Often this is in conjunction with a Hire.

While some changes to personal data may be completed in the Employee Center, certain information must be completed using the Maintain Person eDoc (for example: IU Office address).

Maintain Person eDoc Process

From the HRMS eDoc Portal, under the Person eDocs section, click on Maintain Person.

  • Enter the University ID of the individual you want to update.  Change the ID Type to National ID (SSN) or Name and Birthdate if you don’t have the University ID.
  • Click on Maintain Person Document in the Actions column. Add the effective date; of the information change. Enter all of the required fields and click continue.
  • Enter any changes necessary to theBio/Demo Information, making certain to complete the required (*) fields. Note that any changes you make will be highlighted in yellow.
  • Refer to Entering Names in Bio/Demo Data for more information.
  • Once you’ve reviewed your eDoc one final time, select submit to route the eDoc for approval. (Click save to save the eDoc and return to it later. Click cancel to cancel the eDoc and start over.)

Maintain Person eDocs route directly to the central HR or Academic HR office for final approval.  After the eDoc has been final approved you will receive an Acknowledgement in your Action List.