Academic Position Management

Update coming soon.

Faculty Administrative Appointments will not be viewed as multiple job situations. When a faculty member assumes the role of Provost, Vice Provost, Associate Vice Provost, Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Associate Vice Chancellor, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Dean, Associate Dean, or Assistant Dean, they will be assigned the appropriate salary grade for the administrative job, and their professorial role will be captured through title in administrative post.

If the employee is assuming the role of Chair, Acting, Interim, or Directorships (with few exceptions), they will be assigned the appropriate salary grade of faculty/tenure eligible (FTX), and their administrative role will be captured through administrative post.

Valid Multiple Job Combinations – Examples of combinations not permitted include an individual with concurrent academic and non-exempt staff positions. Neither can an individual be in both the AC1 (benefit eligible) and AC2 (non-benefit eligible) salary plans concurrently, nor can they be in the AC3/WSG/AC4 (student academic) salary plans simultaneously with an AC1/AC2 salary plan. See Valid Multiple Job Combinations grid.