Hire Academic No Pay
Update coming soon.
Business Process Overview
The department determines if the individual is in the HRMS system or if an Add New Person electronic document (E-doc) needs to be completed.
- Once the University ID is identified the department will initiate an E-Doc to hire the individual.
- The department routes supporting documents along with the cover sheet when the E-Doc is routed for approval.
- The Central office will provide final approval, and save the data into HRMS.
Glossary Terms
- SSN = National ID
- Campus = SetID/Business Unit
- Object Code = Salary Plan ACNP
- Pay cycle M1 = Pay group NOP
- Pay cycle M1 = Compensation Frequency H
Key Information
- The following is key information you should know about Hiring an Academic No Pay Employee via eDoc:
- Standard Hours should be set to 0.01.
- Funding information must be entered for Academic No Pay individuals.
- The Administrative Post will be entered with the title type of Non Paid.
- An Academic No Pay Volunteer can not hold a non paid and paid position at the same time.
- If at any time you need to cancel the eDoc you are processing, DO NOT click the “X” on the upper right corner of the document. Clicking the “X” will create subject locking on the employee and/or position id. Always use the button to cancel an eDoc.
- Do not use the browser back arrow to move to a previous page, this will create subject locking on the employee and/or position id.
1. In One.IU navigate to the eDocs tab in the HRMS Portal, click Hire Employee.
Based on the employee information that you have, select the ID type from the drop down menu and click on it. If this is a new person to the university, you must complete the Add Person E-Doc.
Campus ID - a number assigned to students upon admission - either their national ID or a selected number
National ID - Social Security number
University ID - PeopleSoft generated 10-digit number
Name & Birthdate - first and last name of person and birthdate

2. Enter the number in the ID field, click the Search button, and any record that met the search criteria will appear.

3. Click on the record and the following screen will appear. Enter the Effective Date of the hire (the first day employed). Enter the position number the person is being hired into (using the lookup as needed - see example below), and click the Accept button.

4. The following is an example of a Position Lookup screen. Enter as much information as you have to narrow your search. After entering the information, select the Search button and a list of positions will be displayed.

5. Click on the correct position number and it will automatically populate the previous position screen. Enter the effective date.

6. Select the Accept button.
NOTE: If the validation check verifies that there is no Gender or Ethnic Group for the person you are attempting to hire, the following message will appear.

Go here for instructions: Bio/Demo Validation for Hires
If there is no message, proceed with step 7.
7. Click on the the Accept button and the Action Reason screen will appear. Select No Pay/Volunteer (NPV).
8. The Hire: Job page appears. Tax location will default in. If needed change it using the dropdown. Otherwise, click Accept.
9. The Administrative Post page is next. Complete all the required fields (see instructions below the screen shot).
The Appointment Type will default Regular which is NOT appropriate for this employee since they will be NOT receiving monies from IU. From the drop down select Non Paid.
- Enter the Effective Date as the As of Date and enter the End Date.
- Select the business unit from the drop down.
- Insert the Department ID, or select from the lookup icon .
- Once you have completed the Administrative Post, click Save Administrative Post.

10. Once you have completed the Administrative Post, click the Save Administrative Post. Your Administrative Post (title) will be returned to the bottom of the page.

11. You will have the option to Edit or Delete your entry. When finalized, select Accept and the Hire Job Funding page appears.

12. Add the Work Area by clicking Edit Earning. The Work Area identifies the payroll voucher flow. Enter the number or use the lookup as needed (see example below).
Example of Work Area Lookup.
Select the desired number and it will automatically populate Work Area in the previous screen.
13. Funding Type will default in as account and cannot be changed. This position will not run through budget construction, so the CSF Tracker cannot be checked. When completed, Select Accept and you will return to the Job Funding page with the Work Area completed.

14. Click Add Accounting Line and the Hire: Accounting Line screen will appear.
15. Complete the required fields.
- The Chart will default BL. If you need to make a different selection use the drop down.
- Insert the Account, or select from the lookup icon.
- If you have a Sub Account you can enter it, or click on the lookup icon to locate the Sub Account.
If you enter a Sub Account, you will also enter the Sub Object, or click on the lookup icon to locate the Sub Object code.
- The Project Code is an optional accounting key field that allows you to track expenses even if they are entered on a different campus, org, or account. If you know the Project Code you enter it or click on the lookup icon to locate the Project Code.
16. When the Accounting Information is correct, click Accept and you will see the Job Funding page completed.
17. Review Job Funding, and if correct, click on the appropriate action button(s) below. If not, click Edit Earning or Edit Accounting Line and correct as needed.
SAVE = this action Saves to your Action List in order for you to retrieve it at a later time to complete it.
ROUTE = select when you have completed the E-Doc and are ready to automatically route the document where it will be approved and eventually saved to PeopleSoft.
CANCEL = cancels the entire E-Doc. It will be necessary to begin over.
NOTES = initiators and approvers can add notes to the electronic document as it is being routed through the approval process. Notes should be used for providing details about the transaction being routed. Notes are only available to initiators and users who are part of the routing process. They are not saved in PeopleSoft but are stored within the E-doc database.
PRINT = allows the initiator and any document approver to print the doc.
The File download box should appear. It will give you the option to either open the file or save it to your Desktop. You should always open the file, unless you get an error indicating that the file will not open, then you must save it.
When you open the file, the completed document should open in Adobe Acrobat.
If it is necessary to save the file, you will need to go to your Desktop and double-click on the Acrobat file icon for the E-Doc file that you just completed. The E-Doc can then be printed; however, after it is printed, you should delete the file from your Desktop. The E-Doc may contain personal information that should not be stored on your computer.
To print the E-Doc, click on the Print icon in the Adobe Reader Toolbar.
18. Click Route to send the E-Doc to be approved and the following screen will appear. (You may have done this in the previous step.)
Annotate - Annotate should be used for information related to processing of the E-doc. This field is helpful for approvers to prioritize activities, especially for those with large action lists. Annotations are available for viewing in the route log that is accessible during document search and on the action list. Due to the fact that route logs are available to all users through the document search, confidential information should not be entered in this field. Some examples of phrases that may appear in the annotation:
- Please process immediately
- Urgent
- Disapproved
19. Click Print Cover Sheet and check all of the pertinent documents that you will be sending to the central office. Print this document (File, Print on your browser, or use the Print icon). Send the cover sheet and documents to the address indicated on the Cover Sheet. Once you have printed the cover sheet, click the X on your browser and it will return you to the Document Confirmation page.
20. Click Confirm and you will be notified that you have routed the E-Doc successfully.

21. Click Close to close the Document Confirmation window.
Review the Workflow Overview.
Once the document is routed, you can perform a Document Search to see where the E-Doc currently is.
NOTE: A note will automatically be attached when the document is routed showing the current PeopleSoft value and what the value has changed to in the E-doc. This happens after the document is routed.
Page updated: December 2006
IU Human Resources
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